Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Wow we are having one busy summer. Last weekend Chris, Rylie, Merrick, Chad and Sue and the Elwell family went to Palmyra New york to see the pagent and visit the church sites, temple,sacred grove etc. We all went to Niagra Falls. What a beautiful place.We rode a boat that got us soaking wet and climbed up the mountain to get soaked again. Yes, I stayed down lower to take pictures.My camera is always around my neck. We ate at Hard Rock Cafe that night. The next morning the men went back to the sacred grove and went to church. We even saw our good freinds the Dougherty's which was fun. During down time chad schooled us on tennis. During the weekend there was alot of shopping and tennis. Two days before we left Curt and Julies daughter Claire was born. She was a week early and weighed in at 6lbs9oz and 19 inches long. She has a full head of dark hair and is very beautiful. We go to Houston to meet her in 2 weeks .Sue is on her way tomorrow to help Marissa with her bridal stuff. Can't wait to see her dress and help her with what she needs We have lots of frequent flyer miles so lets fly.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much Mom and Dad. It was so much fun and we all are sad to be back to normal life. Have fun with all the traveling in the next month.
